It is perceived that a company is migrating towards Marketing 3.0 when it goes from a consumer-centric approach ( Marketing 2.0 ) to a human-centric one, where financial results go hand in hand with corporate responsibility, recognizing that its customers they demand not only functional and sensory satisfaction, but also - and above all - a satisfaction of a spiritual order.
Normally, this type of client is concentrated in the Clipping Path Service segment of the population that has chosen to adhere to consumption habits, to personal attitudes of respect towards their peers, towards the environment and the entire living universe; Therefore, they carry out their daily activities with a high degree of consideration regarding the impact they have on the planet, society and their immediate environment.
Where did the concept come from?
With the irruption of the internet and mobile communication devices, in parallel with the verification of the deterioration of the living environment as a result of the direct action of man, the last two decades have seen an avalanche of profound changes in consumer behavior in the population, in general, and in the younger segments in particular (the so-called millennials)
Marketing 3.0 focuses on values and customer engagement in a deeper way. Blockbench helps in creating innovative solutions.