There is still something to be desired! Do you know of a handy WhatsApp tip? Then share it below in a comment!Synthetic media are media Phone Number Database manipulated or created by artificial intelligence. Deepfakes also fall under this. You have probably already seen some examples. It is almost indistinguishable from Phone Number Database the real thing. The question is whether, now that synthetic media is playing an increasingly important role, we will soon be able to distinguish between real and fake. What does the new reality look like? Playing with reality.
Menno van Doorn, Sander Phone Number Database Duivestein and Thijs Pepping discuss this topic in their book Echt fake (affiliate). They address the need people have always had to play with reality, going all the way back to the time of hieroglyphics. But never before has this been so easy and credible as it is now. The question they Phone Number Database investigate in their book is how we keep a grip on reality when the fake is increasingly preferred over the real. In that case, it is first good to realize that technology is not opposed to humans, but synthetic media provide new relationships and new forms of play with reality.
They create nuances between what we call authentic and original or real and fake. In addition to reality players, we are slowly Phone Number Database ecoming better reality builders. Synthetic media creates nuances between what we call authentic and original or real and fake. Focus on the dark side of synthetic media is not justified There is a great focus on the dark side of synthetic media, but this is not justified according to Van Doorn, Duivestein and Pepping. Manipulation and influencing are of all times. That's not so much the problem.